Pearl is proud to be the winner of SAP Partner of the Year 2018 in Norway. This is a result of dedicated and hard work through the year.
The award was announced on SAP's yearly partner arrangement in Lysaker on the 21st of March. There was approxemately 40 participants from 15-20 partners in Norway, and employees from both the local and international organization in SAP present.
Timo Elliott from SAP presented their thoughts on digitalization in a global perspective, Bo Hjort Christensen from BI shared some thoughts on the future of ERP and Vegard Rooth from Interimleder AS talked about how it is to be a digital leader. This was as usual a nice moment to mingle and talk to old collegueas, competitors and partners.
"To be awarded as Partner of the Year you need to have a bit of everything, by all means; service, innovation and sell. On top of this you have to have strong focus on customer satisfaction and their business outcome. Pearl is good at collaborating with other partners and in situations where they for some reason is not best positioned to win, they have proven to hand over the opportunity either to SAP or other partners" - is the description from SAP from their evaluation.
We will continue to work as we did in 2018, and will continue to strenghten and improve our offerings to the market. Pearl is aiming to win this award again in 2019, and know that SAP is expecting that we continue with the focus that we have, and at the same time that we know that the other partners of SAP want to win this award as strongly as us.
Thanks to our employees, customers, SAP and other partners for the possibility to use the title Partner of the Year in 2018!